What should I do?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 | 8:25:00 AM | 0 comments
Is it my fault for having this mental state?
Is it of natural cause?
I'm feeling uncertain

I can change,
If Im willing to
I can change,
If things do not side on me
But please bear in mind
That everything will go unusual..
I mean very unusual..

Have you ever thought why am I acting like this?
Or what are the effect I made by behaving like this?
Have you ever thought
If everything goes upside down,what will happen?
What will happen between me and you..or rather us?
I doubted....

If this is the case
Then i'll surrender..
Fom now on
I would rather be an introvert person
I know it's hard to change
But i'll try my very best
In order to make you feel better

Cheers :)

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Erica Bong

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